Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Drama with Friends

If you read this I know how you're going to take it-bad- so just as a fore note I would like to apologize for what I'm going to say and if it hurts your feeling. I just want peace and so I'm going to tell the truth. Just say sorry.

Kay so we all know that one friend who we just can't get the message to, that one friend that just wont listen. Maybe that "friend" just doesn't know how to say their sorry. That's the problem I'm dealing with, not directly dealing with but all of my friends have a new found? Maybe old found? hatred for this girl who was once a friend to everyone in our little group but then words were said and perhaps misunderstood. Then this so called "friend" blew it completely out of proportion! She took what was said and twisted words and actions and moved them into something completely twisted. Now lets not think she's completely to blame cause she isn't not in the least. The problem here with my group and her is stubbornness! They can't get over themselves. This Friend holds grudges and just doesn't know how to say sorry maybe she was never taught to include sorry in her vocabulary. Whatever the case I have personally never heard her utter a sincere sorry, and nor has anyone else. So what I'm saying is maybe we should all be the bigger person and say sorry... For crying out loud it's one freaking word 5 letters just say it and mean it and even if you don't mean it you should at least pretend to mean it because a bit of advice.... There's no way that anyone over here is gonna say it. Know why? same reason you won't say it because you're too hard headed!

I am writing this because I am so done with this drama, I don't like picking sides I actually hate it but if it comes down to it I'm not going to pick you're side. I don't want you to hate me and I don't want to hate you but if this goes any further someone is going to end up hating the other one. I don't want that.

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